Travel with Kids

Pre-Flight Rituals: 10 Ways to Prepare Your Kids For Flying From Wilmington Airport


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From the excitement of takeoff to the awe of soaring through the clouds, the experience can be magical for both kids and adults. However, a little preparation goes a long way to ensure a smooth journey from Wilmington Airport. We've compiled ten fun and effective pre-flight rituals to help your kids feel comfortable and excited about their upcoming flight.

Prepare Children for Air Travel Hero
Get The Excitement Started

Create a Countdown Calendar. Kids love anticipation! Make a colorful countdown calendar and mark the days leading up to the flight. Each day, let your child cross off a day and talk about what to expect. You can even include fun facts about airplanes and the destination to build excitement.


Fly Into Bedtime

Airport Adventure Stories. Turn story time into an airport adventure! Read books or tell stories about flying, airports, and different destinations. This helps familiarize your kids with the concept of flying and reduces anxiety. From "Away In My Airplane" to "A Day At The Airport," many books are available to prepare your young one for the big trip.


Get Packing!

Pack Together. Involve your kids in packing their carry-on bags. Let your kids choose their favorite toys, books, and snacks that they want to pack. Explain what items are important for the flight and why. This gives them a sense of responsibility and ensures they have familiar items to comfort them during the journey.

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Take a Trip Before Your Trip

Pre-Flight Adventure at Wilmington Airport. Plan a mini adventure at Wilmington Airport before your flight. Arrive early and explore the airport together. Point out interesting sights, like the planes on the tarmac, the control tower, and the check-in counters. Many airports have observation decks or play areas – these can be exciting spots for kids to burn off some energy before the flight.


Dress Comfortably

Comfort is Key. Dress your kids in comfortable, layered clothing. Airplanes can be chilly, and layers allow for easy adjustments. Be sure to travel with their favorite blanket or stuffed animal for added comfort. Familiar items can be incredibly soothing in unfamiliar environments.


Keep It Entertaining

In-Flight Entertainment Kit. Prepare a special in-flight entertainment kit. Fill it with new, small toys, coloring books, and snacks. The novelty of new items can keep kids entertained for longer periods. Don't forget headphones for electronic devices – many airlines offer in-flight movies and shows that kids will enjoy.


Let’s Chat!

Talk About the Flight. Have a chat with your kids about what to expect during the flight. Explain the safety procedures, the sounds they might hear, and the feelings they might experience, like the pressure changes during takeoff and landing. Knowing what to expect before, during, and after the flight can greatly reduce anxiety.


Noms and Noshes

Healthy Snacks and Hydration. Pack healthy snacks and encourage your kids to drink water before and during the flight. Airplane air can be dehydrating, and healthy snacks can keep them energized and happy. Avoid sugary treats that might lead to energy highs and lows.


Be Honest

Set the Right Expectations. Let your kids know that there might be waiting times – at security, boarding, and while in flight. Teach them patience and make waiting fun with games like "I Spy." Setting the right expectations can help manage their behavior and keep stress levels low.

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Let’s Celebrate

Celebrate the Journey. Celebrate every milestone of the journey. Whether it's reaching the airport, boarding the plane, or the actual takeoff, celebrate with a small treat or a fun game. This keeps the journey exciting and positive.


With a bit of creativity and preparation, flying with kids from Wilmington Airport can be a delightful experience. These pre-flight rituals help keep your kids calm and comfortable and turn the whole experience into an exciting adventure. So, buckle up, enjoy the journey, and create beautiful memories with your little ones!